Young Adults & OCD
Access Open Minds
Edmonton, Alberta
ACCESS Open Minds Edmonton is a walk-in clinic for youth (16-25) seeking addiction and mental health supports. At our clinic, we aim to provide a welcoming, non-judgemental, and inclusive space for everyone who walks through our door. Your wellness is our first priority, and we are here to work with you to meet your needs to the best of our abilities.
Walk-In Hours
Tuesday to Friday 12:00 pm - 5:30pm
No appointment or referral necessary!

Young Adult Services (YAS)
Edmonton, Alberta
This program is for young adults aged 16-25 years of age who struggle with mental health concerns and/or addictions, emotional issues or behavioural issue.
Orientation: Every week on Wednesdays from 11:30am – 12:00pm, YAS offers an Orientation to Young Adult Services. This provides young adults with a chance to learn about the group opportunities, evaluate their current goals, and determine what programming might be the best fit for them. Please arrive a few minutes early.
How to access programs: Young adults can sign-up by attending the orientation to young adult services on Wednesdays, or by coming to a drop-in group, or by filling out the attached sign-up form. Young adults may choose to call or text the contact person for more information or support to come to their first program. Young Adults who sign-up by filling out the form will be contacted by a staff who can support them through any challenges they may have in attending the program (ie transportation, anxiety, etc).
YAS Contacts: Natasha: 780-288-7423 or Yazmin: 780-782-5042
Resource Links
The Mighty
Teen Mental Health
Teen OCD Books
211 Young Adult Resource List

Edmonton, Alberta
The Community Health Empowerment & Wellness (C.H.E.W) offers frontline service provisions, resources, and education for LGBTQ2SA+ youth and young adults aged 14-29 who are facing a variety of barriers. These barriers may include mental health, violence, poverty, homelessness, substance use, sexual health, sexual exploitation/sex work, and others. We provide a safe place for youth to get basic needs, get off the street, and find hope.