Membership Information
Welcome to the Alberta OCD Foundation, we are glad you are here! Memberships are open to people who live with OCD, family, friends and professionals of all ages. To be a member, you must be an Alberta Resident.
Why become a member? Here are the benefits:
Access to Alberta OCD Support groups (GOAL group, caregiver group)
Access to Alberta events and activities
Receive regular newsletter SHOUTOUTS
Connect and support from others (peers, families, caregivers) going through similar experiences
Belonging to a Canadian OCD community
An opportunity for rural Alberta to reach and connect via online
A choice to join Alberta's OCD chat groups on the "Spaces by WIX" App on your iPhone / Android and meet other aocdf members
Participate in the aocdf forum
Voting (18+) at the aocdf Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Memberships are FREE and there are no yearly subscriptions. Your membership profile remains private until you choose to make it open to other members. You can delete your membership at any time. To become a member, click on the Membership Sign-Up and complete the membership form.